miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Just a film, my favorite film...

I hate the cinema. Is very not accessible because it is very expensive. Also I am bored when the film is of action or science fiction, I prefer be sleeping in my bed. That's the answer to why I'm not going to the movies very often.
Another reason that I do not like the movies is that in my career, I have courses in Film and Television, and these subjects are boring, tedious, and very difficult.
I like just love movies and comedy. Because are the cheerful movies and let you forget the troubles of everyday life.
When I was little, I liked see Disney films, because I thought  was the princess of the film. I, my sister and my father were going to lease movies differents for see in the evening all together eating pop corn.
I only remember a film that marked my way to see the film and I hope to have fun back there. It is “Comer, rezar y amar”in Spanish.
 That movie was better than any I've seen. I've seen it once, but I never will forget it.
If you want go to see a move, you should go to see “Comer, rezar y amar”. You can you can analyze the purpose of your life, and wonder whether you are happy.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Ceciiii!
    I think I watch "Comer, rezar y amar" this weekend.
    I don't like the Dysney movies, I'm prefer anime or doramas :D You know!

    I see you later!
