martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

The photograpy in my life

I haven’t a camera in my house. I have to go to ask for a camera in the university for made the homework.
For the university always I take photography. Made a work about the consumerism, and took a photography in the mall, the policeman following to me for tell me that I couldn’t be taking photo into of the mall. 
In the university, I knew a woman that taken photography of the man and woman insane. They are very horrible, because the face of the persons were very ugly. But had a thing well in the photos, that the persons were in love, and this was better because give to the more hopes. It photographer is Paz Errázuriz, and her book is named "El infarto del alma". It was in my mind, in spite of the fact that the photos were not beautiful.
The photography are in my life every day for my career,  I am study journalism in the university of Chile, and for this reason, a should be familiarity with this art.

1 comentario:

  1. Maybe this tipe of photos not are beauty butI think are most interesting.
    I recomend you visit my blog at lass year about photography workshop:
    In this site, I and my partners write about work of Zaida Gonzalez a visual artistic that pint her bizarre photos. Is in the section called "Entrevistas"
    See you later M.C.!
