martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

The photograpy in my life

I haven’t a camera in my house. I have to go to ask for a camera in the university for made the homework.
For the university always I take photography. Made a work about the consumerism, and took a photography in the mall, the policeman following to me for tell me that I couldn’t be taking photo into of the mall. 
In the university, I knew a woman that taken photography of the man and woman insane. They are very horrible, because the face of the persons were very ugly. But had a thing well in the photos, that the persons were in love, and this was better because give to the more hopes. It photographer is Paz Errázuriz, and her book is named "El infarto del alma". It was in my mind, in spite of the fact that the photos were not beautiful.
The photography are in my life every day for my career,  I am study journalism in the university of Chile, and for this reason, a should be familiarity with this art.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Just a film, my favorite film...

I hate the cinema. Is very not accessible because it is very expensive. Also I am bored when the film is of action or science fiction, I prefer be sleeping in my bed. That's the answer to why I'm not going to the movies very often.
Another reason that I do not like the movies is that in my career, I have courses in Film and Television, and these subjects are boring, tedious, and very difficult.
I like just love movies and comedy. Because are the cheerful movies and let you forget the troubles of everyday life.
When I was little, I liked see Disney films, because I thought  was the princess of the film. I, my sister and my father were going to lease movies differents for see in the evening all together eating pop corn.
I only remember a film that marked my way to see the film and I hope to have fun back there. It is “Comer, rezar y amar”in Spanish.
 That movie was better than any I've seen. I've seen it once, but I never will forget it.
If you want go to see a move, you should go to see “Comer, rezar y amar”. You can you can analyze the purpose of your life, and wonder whether you are happy.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


I can`t live whithout the internet.
The beach is very boring if I haven`t got a computer with me. The internet is a social network that permits to share information and important documents.
I am in love with Internet because i can find the necessary information for made my`s homeworks, for my university, for know interesting things, for the comunication whith family and friends.
The phone don`t is important for me because when I want talk with somepeople I just have that go to the computer and open my facebook.
If my best friend will be of birthay, I just remember for this social network.
When I can`t go to made a work in the university, I agree with my group talk for Messenger in the night, and the work always is finished at time.
The internet and the programs, are important in my live. When I got it, I  don`t know like to use it. But my father tell me the use methodology and now I know more than his.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Soledad Onetto

Maria Soledad Onetto Gonzalez, (Santiago of Chile, on July 27, 1976). She is a journalist classified as the Catholic Pontificia Universidad of Chile, reading as news and conductive of Chilean television. She is married with Rodrigo Alonso.
 I admire to Soledad Onetto, because always she was a woman very studious and strengthened in university, for this it was outlined in the career.
It managed to be the hostess of major news of channel thirteen, without need to comment politically absolutely on nothing. His perseverance led her to being wanted by the people and known worldwide.
Onetto encouraged the International Festival of the Song of Viña del mar in the 50 ª edition in February, 2009 together with Felipe Camiroaga, who represents to another channel that transmits the event, TVN.
 In 2010 it returned to lead 51 º version of the Festival de Viña del Mar.
 In December, 2010 it was recognized by the Journalist National Group of Chile, who granted the " Prize to him to the journalism of excellence year 2010 ".


EMOL.COM is a site of news and current importance that has everything what I need to know of current affairs.
 I am love it because it is miscellaneous, and can find excactamente what I want to read. You find here words of economy, sports, women  films,  videoes photos, Chilean world culture and spectacles musical, technology, education documents, and interviews.
My favorite section is trends and woman. Here I find tips of beauty, the last mode in clothes, entertaining interviews, and all the things that more entertain me.


 This blog will have many topics which we will be able to discuss, to think, to analyze, etc.
 One of the best things that we can do every day, is to read with opinion, this one is the instance to read and to learn new things.
The topics in the blog, are tipics of the daily life.
These activities, they us bring over more to the Englishman learning it in a didactic way.  Also, it  help me to extending my vocabulary.
I invite you to know my blog, to reading the publicacios and to learning with me many new things of the English.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

I hate animals

Three weeks ago, my telephone went off because a very big car, crashed against my family’s dog, we called him Barbie. It was a very friendly and beautiful dog. All my neighbors loved it.
When I knew that my bed was died, a cried with my sister, because she was very sad. It is because a love my sister, and I was very sad for see to her to cry.
I don’t love the animals, because there are very much that I am afraid of.
I hate the big dogs that when I go to the run, bark very strong and I jump and run more and more rapid. I hate go to the zoological garden, because the animals are very foully-smelling.
I think that the animal rights should be respected. But the animals can’t to muzzle to the persons. When will have my house, a wont have no animal.